How It Works
Getting Personal With Loan Near
At Loan Near, we understand that there are emergencies no one can plan for, and we aren’t limited to helping only consumers with perfect credit. Sometimes a run of bad luck comes up through no fault of your own. However, as long as you meet their other requirements, some lenders or lending partners in our network may be able to offer you a loan even if you don’t have perfect credit. Keep in mind that your credit history may impact the type of loan offers you receive and the terms of the loan offers you receive and the terms of a loan offer you may receive might not be as favorable if you have Bad Credit. We want to help you to see if one of our available lenders or financial service providers can provide you a loan offer that can work for you.
Loan Near Can Help
We know that it’s the people who are struggling that really need the personal loans, not those with the spotless credit histories who are paying all their bills on time. A perfect spending history simply isn’t possible for many American households, especially in times like these. No matter how well you’ve planned your budget and spending strategies, they can still be thrown off by one unexpected car repair or other emergency when already living paycheck to paycheck.
An installment loan can get you to your next paycheck when there are no other solutions.
Convenient Online Form
Our online system makes it simple to see if you qualify for a loan. Just fill out our convenient online form and you may be able to get a loan offer in minutes from our network of lenders and financial service providers. If approved, the funds can be deposited electronically into your checking account in as fast as one business day.
Some of the lenders and lending partners in our network may be willing to offer loans to borrowers with Bad Credit as long as they meet certain other loan criteria. Keep in mind that your credit history may impact the type of loan offers you receive and the terms of the loan offers you receive. If you have bad credit, the terms of a loan offer you may receive might not be as favorable compared to if you had good credit. Loan Near is free to use and you’re not obligated to accept any loan offer.
Eligibility Requirements:
Your credit does not need to be perfect to be considered for a bad credit loan from one of the lenders or lending partners in our network. Borrowers with poor credit may still be able to qualify for a loan. Please note that meeting the requirements below does not mean you will be connected to a lender.
Requirements to complete the online form:
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Provide proof of citizenship, such as a Social Security number, or legal residency.
- Have a regular income, either from full-time employment, self-employment, or disability or Social Security benefits.
- Have a checking account in your name.
- Provide work and home telephone numbers.
- Provide a valid email address.
Loan Request Process:
Our loan request process is designed to connect you with a lender from our network who can assist with your financial needs. If successfully connected, a lender will verify your information quickly and review your loan request.
Depending upon the information you provide, a lender might respond with a loan offer. You should take your time in reviewing all details of any loan you’re considering. You will not be obligated to accept the offer if it is not the right offer for you!
When you decide to accept a loan, you must agree to the lender’s terms via e-signature. (Remember, you are under no obligation to accept any loan offered.)
Once you add your electronic signature to the lender’s contract, the lender will distribute your loan funds to your checking account via direct deposit. Funds should be available as soon as the next business day, however, the exact availability timeframe will depend on your lender’s deposit process.
If we are not able to find a lender or lending partner in our network that’s willing to offer you a loan, we may show you ads for other lenders or connect you with offers for debt relief, credit repair, or other credit-related products or services. This is not part of your loan request process. You are under no obligation to accept their offers and you should carefully review their offers to you and compare them to other options available to you before accepting.
If presented with an offer which is accepted by you. Your lender will present you with your repayment schedule and you will be able to repay your installment loan off over time.
Note: Loan Near is not a lender; rather, we specialize in helping borrowers to see if our network of lenders and financial service providers can offer them a loan. Loan Near cannot dictate your loan terms, conditions or interest rates/fees.